sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Hello everyone!

If I´m going to speak about to changes to my study programme  I would like start to the curriculum.

In the Curriculum, in other words, the subjects I have to study, I can understant that is not easy make a study programme in special when the teacher have that teach a lot knowledge in a few time.

But it´s difficult when all the subjects make the same, it´s exhausting!

So I would like change the teaching method, for example, in Organic Chemistry the last teacher that I had, He have a good method for teaching, He is funny and always speak more about the spectrum of the molecule, although I remember only the spectrum of ketones in 1700 cm-1...or I would like to change the power point that I see in classes. I don´t like when the information is a disorder because I have to consumed my time in search for information in the internet, the drives and the books...

I have to give thanks for the people that send information in the drives that I have to use a lot.

With respect to the difficult the tests, I have to make my best effort for study but it´s not enough.

Sometimes, i need to increase my workload that it don´t correspond to the credit in the subjects.

The buildings and infrastructure in the Faculty I don´t have nothing that complain because for me the installings such as study rooms are confortable, also some rooms have air conditioning.

Finally, the use of technology such as the computers in the laboratory CIQ are useful when I need use the word or power point that I can not use in the smartphone.

And that is all. bye bye.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

Hello everyone!

Today, I´m going to talk about time travel.

the time travel is a concept of science fiction, a machine like these it isn´t invented yet but if it was possible...In the future I wouldn´t stay there because I don´t think that the future will be easy, but I think that it will nice to see a future more happy and that the technologies coexist friendly with environment.

maybe exist robots such as futurama.

In the past... I would like travel in the past and stay there...my childhood. although for a short time.

The moment exact I don´t know, but it would be between the ten a sixteen years old, in other words when I was in the school.

I had classes in the afternon so I could sleep more time in the morning.

In a travel for my back memories I remember the games, the music and the friends and the most important is that I could go to school with my twin and she could helping me in my studies and the games.

I had free time to play or my hobbies such as cross stitch.

However, in the travel end I have to go back to the present. where I remember the past and dream with the future.

I don´t know what will happen in the future and I only hope that all my dear beings are healthy.

and that is all. bye bye.

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: My Dream Job

Hello everyone!

Today I´m going to talk about that my dream job...the kind of job that I would like to work is in a pharmacy dispensing medicines.

How do I imagine it?

In my mind, I imagine the pharmacy with few people, in other words, not chaotic...in the afternoon, not in the morning because I don´t like wake up early and when I finish my time of job I can go home and play with my computer or relax in my bed.

The skills that I would need is responsability, tolerance, respect and team work, because in any thing I believe that need keep the composure in case the danger such as earthquake or stressed situation.

I expect that my salary is high because I would like to have enough money for buy things or delicious food such as sushi on fridays.

The major that I´m studying is Chemistry and Pharmacy and it was a decision that my neighbour helped me choose because I was between chemistry or biology.

Personally, I don´t know what will happen in the future because my career has different areas for example there is the industrial area, assistance area and the clinical area besides dispensing medicaments, so in the future I can go to others areas of the career, nothing is confirmed.

and that is all, bye!

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2022

Blog 2 - The best concert ever

Hello everyone!

Today I´m going to talk about the only concert which I have been to listening to live music that was called "La Gran Noche de la Corazón".

The concert was at Movistar Arena to enter the place I gave my ticket to the doorman and he let me and my mother in.

The reason I was at the concert was because my aunt couldn´t with accompany my mother and I went instead of my aunt.

I don´t remember the date but I know that I was near the stage, I don´t consider myself a fan, but I have heard the songs of the musicians of that night on the radio.

The musicians were Los Vásquez, Américo and Noche de Brujas.

I remember the cheering the audience... It was an unforgettable experience , I´m surprised that I remember that concert.

Late in the night I was exhausted to  sing that much and my voice got hoarse from all the screaming to cheer also I couldn't get a seat in hours.

Finally, my father went to pick us up and we got into a car and when I went go home I went to sleep.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

Hello everyone!

If I can visit a country will Japan because I´m interested in the culture ancestral Japanese, such as histories the Gods and Demons like Onis or clothes japanese how kimono or places such as Mountain Fuji that it have breathtaking views. Also I enjoy the Anime like Dr. Stone that is part the Japanese culture too.

I know a few the japanese histories such as the princess Kaguya and some of the terror like Teke Teke.

I would like visit a Japanese temple for good fortune or visit the Museum Ghibli because I watch the movie my Neighbour Tororo that is a movie of  Hayao Miyazaki, see Anime and go to the expo anime and eat tradicional Japanese food, Such as ramen or something.

However, I think that I will don´t like live there because in Chile I have my home.

Besides I will don´t like study or work and Japan because I don´t know speak in Japanese language.

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Hello everyone! If I´m going to speak about to changes to my study programme  I would like start to the curriculum. In the Curriculum, in ot...