jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

Hello everyone!

If I can visit a country will Japan because I´m interested in the culture ancestral Japanese, such as histories the Gods and Demons like Onis or clothes japanese how kimono or places such as Mountain Fuji that it have breathtaking views. Also I enjoy the Anime like Dr. Stone that is part the Japanese culture too.

I know a few the japanese histories such as the princess Kaguya and some of the terror like Teke Teke.

I would like visit a Japanese temple for good fortune or visit the Museum Ghibli because I watch the movie my Neighbour Tororo that is a movie of  Hayao Miyazaki, see Anime and go to the expo anime and eat tradicional Japanese food, Such as ramen or something.

However, I think that I will don´t like live there because in Chile I have my home.

Besides I will don´t like study or work and Japan because I don´t know speak in Japanese language.

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022

Introducing myself

Hello everyone! 

My name is Paz Castro I am twenty years old and I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at Universidad de Chile.

I think that my English is not too bad for read, when read in English I understand the most words in the text, but I have difficulty in my audio English in the British language because in my mind sound fun and is it hard concentrate.

In my write English I need learn more vocabulary because I forget it when no ocupate the new vocabulary frequently.

With the present world situation my family and me, we continue to be careful.

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Hello everyone! If I´m going to speak about to changes to my study programme  I would like start to the curriculum. In the Curriculum, in ot...