sábado, 30 de abril de 2022

Why did I choose my major?

Hello again!

My dream job as a child was something related to draw because i enjoy the colors and things new that created, but it is not easy to work drawing so I thought in other thing.

Then in high school I wanted to study something related with math, chemistry or biology but I didn't have a career in particular in mind.

In the last moment after doing the PTU I decided for a career of chemistry and pharmacy because my neighbor work in that. She talk to me about the professions related to chemistry or biology and finally she recommended chemistry and pharmacy.

I didn't have other options, only Chemistry and pharmacy. :)

My experience at the university is ok, I think that study hard and make an effort to pass the year is good. 

sábado, 23 de abril de 2022

Who Am I?


Hello everyone! My name is Paz Castro and I am university student at Universidad de Chile studying Chemistry and Pharmacy. I am from San Bernardo in Santiago, Chile. I like reading web novels and drawing, I also like to eat fish, pizza and Chinese food. On vacations with my family we go to the countryside and visited my grandparents. My parents have a farm, they have a lots of cows.


I live with my parents and two sisters, older sister and a twin. Also we have a lot animals in our house, for example, eight birds, one rabbit, three chickens, two guinea pigs and two dogs, Pelusa and Chester.

Dog Pelusa.

Dog Chester.

In my hometown is the Cerro Chena park that is a good place to walk and enjoy the view in the top of the montain.

View Cerro Chena, San Bernardo.

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Hello everyone! If I´m going to speak about to changes to my study programme  I would like start to the curriculum. In the Curriculum, in ot...